Marci’s Blog.
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson’s Mental Tool-Kit.
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson’s holistic approach to physical and mental well-being was a central component to the Nike Dreamweaver Program. Find her insights and mental training too-kit here.
Unifying Runners: Evolve Track Club's Social Media Strategy.
Evolve Track Club was able to integrate existing members of traditional local running teams with a larger community of perhaps isolated, remote, or new runners. With a hybrid format that blended in-person and remote experiences, they created an inclusive team. ETC highlights and celebrates the full spectrum of running possibilities.
Unraveling Nike’s “Dreamweaver” Program.
So, the question remains: How much of the “Dreamweaver” program is driven by genuine scientific inquiry, and how much is simply savvy marketing?
Useful Advice I’ve Received Regarding Ultras.
Being curious about Ultra-Running and being one of those folks that enjoys learning things the hard way, I thought I'd go ahead and race one (which turned into two) and see what happens. It's not as light-hearted as it sounds .
OTQ :: The chase.
I've lived intimately with the shifting Olympic Trials Standard for 15 years, and if I'm lucky I may have the pleasure of chasing it around for another four or eight years.